Mary Lake Nature Sanctuary
AboutAbout Mary Lake Nature Park
The Mary Lake property is a 67 acre protected forest and riparian area that supports biodiversity while preserving ecosystems and wildlife habitat. It is also the home of the “Highlands Nature House” which sits on the water’s edge, within the tranquil natural environment, inspiring an awareness of nature as teacher and essential ally.
The Mary Lake property is located in the Highlands District, part of the Greater Victoria area, just 25 km from the heart of Victoria the capital city of British Columbia, Canada.
Mary Lake lies within the traditional territories of the WSÁNEC (Saanich) Coast Salish Peoples.
We recognize the integral role the ancestors of the WSÁNEC Coast Salish Peoples have played
as past stewards of the Mary Lake and Highlands lands.
Private ownership of the land began in 1887
The original house and gardens were in an area near Millstream Rd on the eastern side of the property
The Mary Lake Property was purchased from the estate of Peter and Violet Brotherston on Dec, 23, 2016 by the Greater Victoria Greenbelt Society.
Sharp-tailed Snake (Endangered)
Protection and Conservation
Conserving this excellent example of the imperiled Dry Coastal Douglas Fir and other ecosystems on the property will protect the rare habitats of many plant and animal species several of which are endangered.
Activities and Nature
The intact Eco systems and natural beauty create the perfect setting for retreats,workshops, nature inspired programs and classes. It’s natural setting makes it the ideal place for the community to enjoy, take photographs, hike, walk, or simple relaxation with nature.
Sharp-tailed Snake (Endangered)
Highlands Nature House
The secluded location of the 4,600-sq. ft. Nature House literally sits on the water’s edge of a private lake
and offers the perfect space for retreats, workshops, meetings and gatherings. It enables individuals and groups the opportunity to experience a purposefully designed space amid the rich and raw beauty of a natural forest.
Hiking Trail Links
The purchase of the Mary Lake property by the GVGS has made it possible for the CRD to begin the completion of a 25 km World-Class Hiking Trail Loop in the Highlands District just 25 minutes from the City of Victoria.
Regional Economic Value
In applying the formulas found in the white paper “Measuring the Economic Value of a City Park System” developed by The Trust for Public Land’s Center for City Park Excellence(2003) to the Mary Lake property it is possible to calculate the real monetary value of the various benefits the sanctuary will bring to the Highlands District and Capital Regional District.
The community economic benefits of the Mary lake Nature Sanctuary are multiple.
- Environmental Services
- Recreational direct use
- Human Health
Get Involved
Mary Lake needs your help! There are many ways you can help the Mary Lake Nature Sanctuary. Your support indicates to our larger funding sources that this project
will have a positive benefit for the community and general public.
- Make a Charitable Donation (Tax Deductible)
- Join our Volunteer List
- Sign up for our Newsletter
- Become a member
- Connect and share on social media
- Participate in our events
W̱MÍYEŦEN Nature Sanctuary
1772 Millstream Rd,
Victoria, BC V9B 6E4
W̱MÍYEŦEN Nature Sanctuary Society
1772 Millstream Rd. Victoria, BC. V9B 6E4
WSÁNEC Coast Salish
W̱MÍYEŦEN Nature Sanctuary lies within the traditional territories of the WSÁNEC (Saanich) Coast Salish Peoples.
We recognize the integral role the ancestors of the WSÁNEC Coast Salish Peoples play as past and present day stewards of the Highlands lands.