2018 Year End Newsletter #9

by | Feb 14, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

A Big Thank You
to all the individuals and groups who have
generously supported our work in 2018.

It has been a very demanding and busy year for our small organization with lots of important accomplishments under our belt. (see the year review below)

This project was started to protect Mary Lake and the surrounding lands from the threat of destruction by development. This has been made all the more urgent by witnessing what is happening on the adjacent 20 acres which was sold to developers’ months before Bob McMinn swooped in and put a down payment on the remaining property back in 2016.

It has been heartbreaking to witness the annihilation of those connected sensitive ecosystems and endangered plant communities that had been protected for over 70 years.

It is your support of our work that has ensured the protection of the Mary Lake Nature Sanctuary to date. We appreciate your continued donations as we develop new alliances and connect with new granting bodies to pay off the mortgage.  



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