2nd Annual New Year’s Day Gathering at Mary Lake Nature Sanctuary & Nature House
Jan.1, 2018: 1- 4 pm All ages are welcome
Nature Trails Storytelling with Tsawout elder Earl Claxton Jr. (2-3 pm) Music
Suggested donation: $5 for adults, children free, members free
RSVP HERE (indoor space limited)
All Donations to Mary Lake Nature Sanctuary over $25 will be matched 1:1 until Dec. 31st!
We have had a terrific year, and we want 2018 to be even better! Please help us make it a reality by donating to the Mary Lake Nature Sanctuary on or before December 31st to take advantage of a matching donation. Also, 2017 is the last year you can take capitalize on the federal government’s Super Credit for charitable donations. For more information, visit the Donation tab on our website at wmiyetennaturesanctuary.com
GVGS Membership has its Perks
When you become a member of the Greater Victoria Greenbelt Society you are supporting the preservation of the land and the work we do at the Mary Lake Nature Sanctuary. In return you get:
- Free admission to the monthly walks
- Front of the Line invites to events and discounts
- Our bi-monthly newsletter to keep you updated
- Voting privileges at our AGM
Until Dec. 25 you can purchase a yearly membership that will be valid until April 2019 Previous Guardians of Mary Lake can send us an email indicating their desire to transfer their membership to the GVGS. This will be valid until April of 2018. This transfer is in keeping with the New Society Act. Yearly Memberships:
- Adults -$20
- Students/ Low Income – $10
- Families – $30
- Societies/Organizations – $50
- Businesses/ Corporations – $100
2017: GVGS Busy as the Beavers Recap of the past year: What your donations have done
In the first few months of the year we were continuing negotiations with the CRD over the size and cost of the section they wanted to purchase for the regional trail link. It was finalized at $500,000 for 25 acres.
In the next stage we began to fulfill the requirements of the subdivision process needed to create the 25 acres lot for the CRD, as well as a 10-acre lot along Millstream Road. This piece of property will remain with GVGS, and can be sold to bring in additional revenue if required. Any buyer will have to be aligned with the vision and goals to that of the Sanctuary.
- Certification of ground water quantity and quality Well test by Cullen Water Systems, Inc + Lowen Hydrogeology Consulting, Ltd
- Onsite systems (reserve septic field) standards requirements by Vancouver Island Health Authority + J.E. Anderson
- Fire Safety requirements: Driveway widening to allow fire truck turn around: Wagner & Sons, Don Mann Excavating Tree trimming around house and along driveway: Custom Falling Tree Service Ltd Dry Hydrant site preparation and bonding
- Wildland/Urban Interface Fire Hazard Assessment: Strathcona Forestry Consulting
Management Plan for the Mary Lake Nature Sanctuary
In the Spring we also developed a 40-page Management Plan for the Mary Lake Nature Sanctuary which has gone thru six revisions as we gather more information thru research and project partners.
You can read the latest version HERE